Quark Number Susceptibility
It is emphasized that χ q is intimately related with the fluctuations in the vector channel of the system. Revisited with Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in mean field theories.
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In D3D7 model we focus on the competition between the quark chemical potential which enhances the quark number susceptibility and the quark mass that suppresses the susceptibility.

Quark number susceptibility. Second order quark number susceptibilities are calculated using both improved staggered fermion formulations and we show that in the continuum limit the two formulations give consistent results. As an aside we also give an analytical prescription for obtaining the implicit dependence of. As expected the finite quark mass suppresses the quark number susceptibility.
We report the first results on the strange quark number susceptibility s over a large range of temperatures mainly in the plasma phase of QCD. We find that the susceptibilities in both models are the same jumping up at the deconfinement phase transition temperature. S jumps across the phase transition temperature Tc and grows rapidly with temperature above but close to Tc.
AU - Renken R. The fourth order quark number susceptibilities are studied only using the p4 formulation and at nonzero lattice spacings. This indicates that the heavy quark like charm contribution to thermodynamics of a QCD-like system may start to become significant at temperatures T 600 MeV.
We also obtain various thermodynamic quantities in leading order. Q 2 P 2 q. Quark Number Susceptibility QNS is usu-ally obtained as the second order Taylor coef- cient of pressure when it is Taylor expanded in the direction of the quark chemical poten-tial q ie.
The calculation shows continuous increase in the number density and susceptibility up to the temperature T 04 GeV. ArXiv The quark number susceptibility is expressed as an integral in terms of dressed quark propagator and dressed vector vertex. We explicitly show that the Landau damping part in the quark propagator for space-like quark momenta does not contribute to the quark number susceptibility due to the quark number conservation.
We find that the quark number susceptibility only due to the collective quark modes deviates from the free one around the critical temperature but approaches free results in the infinite temperature limit. The critical end point in the phase diagram is identified and the behavior of the quark number susceptibility around the critical end point is highlighted. We observe that depending on the relative values of the quark mass and the quark chemical potential the quark number susceptibility shows a diverging or converging behavior.
The quark-number susceptibility χ q is examined as an observable which may help to reveal the physical picture of the high-temperature phase of QCD. We find that at high temperatures T 600 MeV the quark number susceptibility of light quarks and heavy quarks are almost equal in the bottom-up model. AU - Gottlieb Steven.
We find that at high temperatures T 600 MeV the quark number susceptibility of light quarks and heavy quarks are almost equal in the bottom-up model. Quark Number Susceptibility. AU - Toussaint D.
T1 - Hadronic screening lengtiis and quark number susceptibility from lattice QCD. On one hand we carry out a one-loop calculation within hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory and on the other hand perform a resummation of the four-loop finite density equation of state derived using a dimensionally reduced effective theory. Then the values of number density and susceptibility approach the very weakly result.
Results from our recent investigations of quark number susceptibilities in both quenched and 2-flavour QCD are presented as a function of valence quark mass and temperature. We study the quark number susceptibility an indicator of QCD phase transition in the hard wall and soft wall models of hQCD. In HTL perturbation theory we obtain leading order quark number susceptibility as a response to an external disturbance viz chemical potential μ that generates density fluctuation which is related to the correlation function through the thermodynamic sum rule associated with the symmetry of the system.
We also calculate the chiral susceptibility in D3D7 model to support the observation made with the quark number susceptibility. The existence of a peak in the second order quark number fluctuation or quark number susceptibility near Tc is confirmed by recent lattice QCD calculations based on the Taylor expansion with respect to the quark or baryon chemical potential1 2 This implies the existence of the critical end point CEP at which the first order phase transition terminates in the µq T plane of the QCD phase diagram see3 for a review. AU - Liu W.
Beside QCD lattice simulations the quark number susceptibility has been calcu-. Second filled symbols and fourth order open symbols quark number susceptibilities in the free theory as functions of N 4 τ normalized by the corresponding continuum Stefan-Boltzmann values. AU - Sugar R.
The quark number susceptibility associated with the con-served quark number density is closely related to the baryon and charge fluctuations in the quark-gluon plasma which mightserveassignatureforthequark-gluonplasmaformation in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. We calculate quark number density and susceptibility under one-loop correction in the mean-field potential. A strong reduction 40 is seen in the strange quark susceptibility above Tc in both the cases.
In model calcula-tions any response of a thermodynamic quan-tity to some external parameters should also account for the fact that the mean elds also. We evaluate the second and fourth order quark number susceptibilities in hot QCD using two variations of resummed perturbation theory. It is then investigated with the latter two- and three-point functions confronted with a Dyson-Schwinger equation model which accommodates both finite temperature and baryon chemical potential.
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